EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY :  Failure is not an option : you deserve the best photographies, the most presentable, creative and discreet Photographer and certainly not just "okey pics" taken by a beginner. 

Here is the story...

You have spent months and months to prepare this unique and amazing event for your company... You are proud about everything you've so well managed and organized...  Few days before you realize that an essential piece of the puzzle could be missing : THE PHOTOGRAPHER... the one that will immortalize all the results of all your efforts and secondarily, your consecration... because, for sure, it's going to be fantastic and you could concretely show and remember the event you have been working on...  and for sure, nowadays when everyone claims to be a Photographer,  you are spoiled for choice... 

Please, do not make the fatal error of choosing this important piece of the puzzle at random... You would regret it forever...  There are hundreds amateurs, "semi-pro photographers" and unfortunately also Pro Photographers that think that being an event photographer is something easy...Hundred that are ready to work for few money because they need pictures to create or ameliorate their portfolio...   At the end, if you make the bad choice, you just take the risk to be totally disappointed and to see a part of your work, ruined... I know what I'm talking about for having sought for month the "good" Photographer able to replace me when I was travelling... I've received hundreds of portfolios that had beautiful websites or super pro Business cards, and what I've seen, was just terribly and totally unprofessional. Believe me. On more than 100 applications, less than 4 were really at the level I was requiring for a normal event.

Once again, the photo equipment can not do it all, but it's true that the high quality of the equipment and of course, years of experience, make a huge difference... I'm a professional Photographer for more than 25 years and I've covered all types of events with the only aim of satisfying my clients and high quality requirement.

I'm proud to say that I've never failed and that my pictures have been -and still are- used for hundreds of publications, website, albums... 

Of course my Event Photographies Portfolio is large but here are some samples of my work... I've chosen these events where the lights and conditions of work were particularly challenging.


This pictures have been taken during the last Lumiere Film Festival in Lyon, October 2016.